Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dear Maven

Put those product questions to bed! Do you have a product question you've been dying to ask? Well look no further for the answer! Maven is your all-knowing Gold Canyon product go-to girl.
Dear Maven,
As a new Consultant, I was surprised my Business Kit didn't carry a selection of all Gold Canyon products. I understand candles are our main products. However, what about the forgotten favorites like Homeology®and EMERGE®? I am having my first Party, and I bought these products to showcase all that we have to offer.
I have been is sales, advertising and marketing for over 20 years. A product that isn’t available for a potential customer to experience can leave money on the table.
Show Me the Product
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Dear Show Me the Product,
I don’t know you yet … but I like your sassy style! I agree with what you’re shouting—customers are more likely to purchase a product they can touch.
If that white mink coat wasn’t hanging up in Nordy’s for me to try on, I probably wouldn’t have spent my life savings on it. But it was, and I did.
Now that you know we are on the same page (real-life products sell better than a picture), let me answer your question. The reason our Business Kits don’t include EVERY product is because we want our kits to be an INEXPENSIVE investment in your business.
As a newbie, there are quite possibly several things you may not know about yet, one of which is … Gold Canyon has your back! We give you the opportunity to earn the products not included in your kit for free! Instead of charging you for the products in your initial investment, our Quick Start Program allows you to earn them without spending a dime. It sounds to me like you could use a little help understanding the Quick Start Program. I’m late for my mani-pedi, so right now is a bad time for me to explain. Check out pg. 83 in your catalog for an explanation and let me know if you have any questions. Ciao!
Your Quick Start Queen

Scent Blend Recipe: Walking through a Field of Blooming Flowers


Here’s your chance to have fun with fragrance! Scent Blending is a collection of individual candles that when burned together create their own unique, blended scent experience.

This month's blend: Walking through a Field of Blooming Flowers

Trend Talk

Colors have symbolic meanings that often times reflect our rationale and emotions; fragrance can also conjure particular emotions. Check out this trend talk to see what your favorite color and fragrance could be saying about you…