Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Wow! It sure has been a while! I hope you all had a wonderful summer! I am getting back on track with my business and I have some exciting news for you!

First, Gold Canyon has remodeled their website! In doing so, my web address has changed. My NEW Address is:
They have made some great improvements on the site and it is now easier to search products from the catalog.  Also, you can have your own account on my site making it easier to reorder the candles you love!

Second, the NEW HOLIDAY CATALOG is out and available! I must say, the products for the upcoming holidays are outstanding! We have some super cute products for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! Thanks to the new virtual catalog on the website, you can check out the amazing products we have available!

Third, joining my team and becoming a GOLD CANYON CONSULTANT can be done for an initial charge of ONLY $20!! And you can get that money back by achieving the goals Gold Canyon has set for you! Why wouldn't you want a job where you are your own boss, work your own schedule, and have fun while doing it!! Please contact me for more information!!

I am so excited to get started on this busy selling season and I would love to help you earn some FREE candles by hosting a party....OR earn some extra CASH by starting your own business!!

Can't wait to talk to you soon!!

Ashley Edsell

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dear Maven

Put those product questions to bed! Do you have a product question you've been dying to ask? Well look no further for the answer! Maven is your all-knowing Gold Canyon product go-to girl.
Dear Maven,
As a new Consultant, I was surprised my Business Kit didn't carry a selection of all Gold Canyon products. I understand candles are our main products. However, what about the forgotten favorites like Homeology®and EMERGE®? I am having my first Party, and I bought these products to showcase all that we have to offer.
I have been is sales, advertising and marketing for over 20 years. A product that isn’t available for a potential customer to experience can leave money on the table.
Show Me the Product
_ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _
Dear Show Me the Product,
I don’t know you yet … but I like your sassy style! I agree with what you’re shouting—customers are more likely to purchase a product they can touch.
If that white mink coat wasn’t hanging up in Nordy’s for me to try on, I probably wouldn’t have spent my life savings on it. But it was, and I did.
Now that you know we are on the same page (real-life products sell better than a picture), let me answer your question. The reason our Business Kits don’t include EVERY product is because we want our kits to be an INEXPENSIVE investment in your business.
As a newbie, there are quite possibly several things you may not know about yet, one of which is … Gold Canyon has your back! We give you the opportunity to earn the products not included in your kit for free! Instead of charging you for the products in your initial investment, our Quick Start Program allows you to earn them without spending a dime. It sounds to me like you could use a little help understanding the Quick Start Program. I’m late for my mani-pedi, so right now is a bad time for me to explain. Check out pg. 83 in your catalog for an explanation and let me know if you have any questions. Ciao!
Your Quick Start Queen

Scent Blend Recipe: Walking through a Field of Blooming Flowers


Here’s your chance to have fun with fragrance! Scent Blending is a collection of individual candles that when burned together create their own unique, blended scent experience.

This month's blend: Walking through a Field of Blooming Flowers

Trend Talk

Colors have symbolic meanings that often times reflect our rationale and emotions; fragrance can also conjure particular emotions. Check out this trend talk to see what your favorite color and fragrance could be saying about you…

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Spring Cleaning Sale - Only 4 Days Left! 

We are cleaning out our warehouse to make room for the arrival of new summer products. As we clean out—you clean up with amazing deals! Don’t hesitate to take advantage of our Spring Cleaning Sale ASAP! This sale ends Saturday 3/31/12 at  11:59 p.m. MST. That means you only have four days left to get up to 70% OFF your favorites!
All sale items are featured on the On Sale page of my website (Shop/On Sale).

Helping Wyatt

Helping Wyatt 
A Prayer Child Foundation Story 

 Wyatt Eyerman - 9 Months Old

Wyatt Eyerman was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot during a routine check-up when he was only three months old. Shortly after, his parents were given the devastating news that his heart had a hole and two faulty valves that would require open heart surgery. This strong little boy struggled during the recovery process as several unexpected problems occurred, one of which was a grueling staph infection. Wyatt’s family has held strong through these tough times, but have been struggling to keep afloat ever since his father was laid off. A $700 gift was given toWyatt’s family on behalf of the Prayer Child Foundation. With this money, his family was able to help cover the expenses associated with Wyatt’s surgeries. 
You can help children like Wyatt by sharing the hope the Prayer Child Foundation can bring. We invite you to visit to learn how you can donate or get involved. Together, we are making a difference!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Cleaning Sale UP TO 70% OFF!!

Hello Everyone!!

Our Spring Cleaning Sale is happening now while supplies last!! And believe me, the products are selling FAST!! Get up to 70% off your favorite Fall and Spring products to make room for our new Summer line coming soon!! But don't wait, your favorites may be gone before you know it!! Check out my website for more details!!

Ashley Edsell