Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Helping Wyatt

Helping Wyatt 
A Prayer Child Foundation Story 

 Wyatt Eyerman - 9 Months Old

Wyatt Eyerman was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot during a routine check-up when he was only three months old. Shortly after, his parents were given the devastating news that his heart had a hole and two faulty valves that would require open heart surgery. This strong little boy struggled during the recovery process as several unexpected problems occurred, one of which was a grueling staph infection. Wyatt’s family has held strong through these tough times, but have been struggling to keep afloat ever since his father was laid off. A $700 gift was given toWyatt’s family on behalf of the Prayer Child Foundation. With this money, his family was able to help cover the expenses associated with Wyatt’s surgeries. 
You can help children like Wyatt by sharing the hope the Prayer Child Foundation can bring. We invite you to visit to learn how you can donate or get involved. Together, we are making a difference!

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