Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Prayer Child Foundation Story

Helping Sage 
A Prayer Child Foundation Story 

Sage McGrady - 2 Years Old
Two year old Sage McGrady was diagnosed with Neutropenea and multiple Immunodeficienies at birth. This is typically a disease seen in Leukemia patients. Her bone marrow makes white blood cells, but her body sees them as infections and kills them. This can make even the smallest infections fatal because her little body is unable to fight them off. She receives treatments at a children’s hospital every other week. This requires her family to travel and stay over an hour away from home. In between her trips to the hospital, she receives up to three injections and multiple blood draws per week to help keep her white blood cells elevated. It is so rare for a child to have this that her oncologist is concerned it is masking a cancer formation. Therefore, little Sage is being treated as a cancer patient as well.   

Sage’s mom has been a nurse for the last 14 years. She was unable to continue working because of the risk of bringing home infections that would be fatal to her daughter. Sage's mother says, “It is very hard, even as a nurse, to sit by and watch your child having to go through the painful procedures and treatments just to remain alive.”

With Mom not able to work, this family has been placed in a hard financial position. Dad is doing his best to work as much as possible just to keep them afloat. Recently, they incurred some unexpected additional expenses when Sage became extremely ill and needed to be admitted to the hospital.

Sage’s dad is a K-9 officer and volunteer firefighter. Their family has always helped people in need and unfortunately are now in need themselves. A $600 gift was given to Sage’s family on behalf of the Prayer Child Foundation. With this money, their family was able to help cover the expenses associated with Sage’s recent hospital visit.  

You can help children like Sage by sharing the hope the Prayer Child Foundation can bring. We invite you to visit to learn how you can donate or get involved. Together, we are making a difference!

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